I cant do the whole weekend justice.
here are a few pictures, words and links.
One day my life will calm down and I will be able to tell this weekend in whole and share my joy with the whole world.
youngonelives: 4th-8th March
if you dint know
i love the sea, and nature and sunsets
Friday night's sunset
Stroll on the beach Saturday Morning.
One should never go through a month without visiting at least one local market.
lots of fun was had.
went to visit the place again and fell in love with a dress
and food and the people there.
headed over to My Lady's house
we discovered a toy
as Brother Berg would always say "night time is the right time"
it was night time
we headed out to town.
this lad is a monster
my mother used to teach him and his brother
lovely boys
always up for a good dance.
waking up slowly on sunday morning
watched the cricket, the game were we lost by 6 runs. gah
talented friends are good friends to have

My Lady with her adorable niece
Sunday in Stellenbosch = bingo
this week we did not win
we won some of the quotes though and I made new friends with pretty girls in pretty dresses
the beautiful lady in these photos I've known since Gr5
she has a true friend
also one of those talented ones
you should see her art and listen to the reasons behind her creations
heading to lunch on Monday with My Lady
the restaurant where I work gets dome of it's products from the emporium
their restaurant is fresh and real.
the food excites you and is eye candy as well
they have sorbet. IN A FRUIT!
so exciting
from left to right: lemon&pomegranate, pina colada and mango&orange
here comes the best part of the weekend
I'm still going to do a whole post dedicated to this man and this man alone.
not in a long time have I been so blown away by one person.
his love for life and everybody in his life is something that i honestly wish every person could have.
but because of the life that he has had he's been able to transfer it over into the most amazing music.
cannot explain
go listen yourself:
and read his random doodles
you are amazing
i'm so happy that i can be called your friend
We're still going to come and visit you in she shop
just waiting for Talitha's car to be fixed.
how can you end a night out in Cape Town and not stop at the BP and woolies?
We'd been craving an ice cold green doctor the whole weekend
waking up in Cape Town is never hard to do
specially when the first signs of winter are showing themselves
now comes the interesting part
on our way to meet up with the man himself before heading back home our car broke.
cape town central
good golly gosh it was amusing
cause in situations like these i find it much easier to laugh than stress
stress just adds about 2 more hours of stressing
so while we were waiting to get towed back home we went for a walk through the part of Cape Town we do not know but now want to visit all the time.
Found the perfect cup of coffee and reflected on the complete irony of everything.
got picked up by The Lady's family
and headed back home listening to Cat Stevens
the music that my dad brought me and my brothers up on
was just a very brief overview of the best weekend I've had in years.
the exciting thing that in the last 2 weeks my life has only gotten better.
It's safe to say that this youngone is a very happy youngone.